Thursday, August 13, 2009

spore creatures

NOTE: after several attempts i was unable to install the full version of 'SPORE creature creator', therefore i was forced to download a trial version of the creature creator and as i was using the trial version in one of the studio classes, i became aware that the trial version only came with 1/2 of the parts to create a creature.

creature ONE

croc the human-like creature has human-like abilities and is able to jump great heights. croc is a herbivore who uses not only his hands to gather food but with his mouth as well throughout the forest. the skin on croc allows the him to withstand hot conditions and also allows him to camouflage within the bushes to hide from other creatures in the forest.

Align Center

creature TWO

redFISH is named after the Red Dragon. redFISH rules the ocean day and night and therefore anything in the water, redFISH will swallow either by just using his extra large, long mouth to catch his food or by using his large spike on the end of his tail to kill his food first while his long streamline body allows him to move quickly through the water.

creature THREE

FT lives in the forest and is a very quiet creature. Ft has four sets of arms, all with their own function which enable FT to gather his food which ranges from plants and leaves to small bugs on the ground or hanging off the branches. FT's large body frame, allows him to jump high distances and with the aid of his arms is able to climb to the top of most trees and once at the top, FT uses his eyes to see over the tree-tops.

creature FOUR

bolt can withstand conditions from 50 degrees to -50degrees. bolt's light feet and low centre of gravity allows him to travel across any surface whether it be sand, soil or snow at speeds never seen before. bolt's claw at the end of his tail allows him gather his food and with a wide variety of food in his diet and his great pace over land, bolt is never hungry but his never satifised.

creature FIVE

sumo is a very, very lazy creature. sumo spends his day sitting down acting like a rock and waits until other creatures climb upon him or near him to pounce. if sumo does decide to move about, it is not at a fast pace but a very slow pace

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